Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Aisle 7

X Series and AutoPulse on display with Firefighter and Captain 

Firefighter Jon Powell (left) and Capt. David Hall display the X Series Monitor/Defibrillator and AutoPulse Cardiac Support Pump they used to save the life of a New Hampshire man who collapsed from sudden cardiac arrest while grocery shopping. Photo Credit: Winnisquam Echo 

February 5, 2013 - Steve Smith never made it to the checkout line. He collapsed while shopping at the Tilton, New Hampshire, Market Basket grocery store on Dec. 20. A volunteer firefighter shopping in the store that day saw Smith fall to the ground and rushed to his aid, and store personnel quickly called 911. As luck would have it, off-duty Tilton firefighter Jon Powell just happened to be driving by when he heard the call on his radio. He ran into the store, and the two men started CPR.

Shortly thereafter, the Tilton-Northfield Fire and EMS Department (TNFD) crew arrived with the X Series™ Monitor/Defibrillator and AutoPulse® Non-invasive Cardiac Support Pump they purchased last fall. Both were used to save Smith’s life. In fact, he was the first person treated—and saved—with the new equipment. The AutoPulse was used to provide high-quality chest compressions until Smith’s heart rhythm converted to one that could be shocked by the X Series. Several shocks were needed before a normal rhythm was restored. Once stabilized at a local hospital, he was transported to Concord Hospital, where he underwent cardiac catheterization. A grateful Smith is now doing well.

In an article in the Winnisquam Echo, TNFD Captain David Hall, one of the responders that day, credited ZOLL technology and Powell’s expertise in CPR before the ambulance arrived with saving Smith’s life.


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