Thank you for taking the time to learn about the differences between heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest.
Request a “Do you know the difference?” poster
with HA and SCA signs and symptoms — and be prepared to help in a cardiac emergency.
1 European Resuscitation Council -
2 Chandra, N, et al. JACC. 2013;61(10)1027-1040.
3 Drezner, JA, et al. HeartRhythm. 2007;4:4 549-565.
4 Wallert J, et al. Am Heart J. 2017;191:12-20
5 "About SCA." Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation Website, 14 Nov. 2017.
6 American Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2018 Update, Published online in Circulation, Jan. 31, 2018.
7 European Resuscitation Council, European Registry of Cardiac Arrest - Study TWO (EuReCa TWO)